Category Archives: Doctor # 2

2 Doctors, Mr. Aries, Mr. Cancer and Lazyboy are Watching!

Doctor #1 – Got really nothing to do with him. He has his own world and leaves messages as he pleases.

Doctor #2 – Hate him so much! Not really sure why he’s lingering on my page! Hopefully, one of these days I can muster the courage to tell him to get lost. I know that day won’t ever come but at least I can talk to him to explain my side. Why does he always have the last say?

Mr. Aries – Seriously, what’s with you that I can’t hate you? Why do I always give you these chances? You’re driving me nuts!

Lazyboy – You just make me laugh now. It doesn’t bother me anymore. lol XD

Mr. Cancer – You’re crazy too, like me which I understand! Hahaha


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